As more programming languages support docstrings, that feature of the language actually makes better programmers right from the start. Java is one of those languages that is easy to learn, but its ability to support docstrings is not focused on in the early stage of learning.
Java is also a great language to help those new to programming learn documentation of existing libraries of classes. The main difference between a novice and an expert is that an expert know how to get help when needed in a fast and efficient way. Thus, education could focus on not just the syntax, but focusing on how to find answers when questions arise. That would help novice graduates overcome confusions faster and focus on real problem solving issues instead.
Computer Science is also evolved to many languages and can not rely on a single language that is considered the latest "fad". It is the combination of languages in order to solve problems by picking the right "tool".
Thus, you need to learn about many languages and collect your notes in a way that you can use regardless of the language you will use, but helps you with the required syntax.
This flowchart can be one of the ways you can map simple concepts and document each language.