Thursday, July 6, 2017

Exception - Can not Get any Simpler than This

Exception handling by custom exceptions is as easy as extending the Exception class. 


Look at the API documentation to learn what you can do like what constructors are available and what methods you will have access to by extending this class.

Method Summary

  The most useful constructor for this purpose is the constructor that takes a string as its parameter since it will allow you to set a custom message for your custom exception class.  To get this message later, you will use the getMessage() method that is inherited from Throwable ( as seen above ).

To practice this concept, implement the following code and make modifications as you see it fit.  Create more exceptions and change the messages until it makes sense and you feel comfortable with this easy and useful object oriented concept.  Have fun!

public class HelloDriver{
    public static void main(String args[])throws MyException{  //the other is passed to JVM
             Hello msg=new Hello("Hello"," World");
         catch(MyException2 e){                                        //one of the exceptions are handled here
             System.out.println("Zoltan: "+e.getMessage());


public class Hello extends World{
private String hello;

//because the parent constuctor with string parameter was called, the exception must be handled
//coming from the parent's constructor and also from this constructor
public Hello(String h, String w)throws MyException2,MyException{
        throw new MyException2();

public String getHello(){
    return hello+getWorld();


public class World{
private String world;

public World(String msg)throws MyException{   //pas the exception out of the constuctor
    if(msg.equals(" World"))
       throw new MyException();     //create exception if condition is met

public String getWorld(){
    return world;


public class MyException extends Exception
public MyException(){
    super("Your message was cool!!!");   //call the parent class Exception constructor with string parameter


public class MyException2 extends Exception
public MyException2(){
    super("Your message was the coolest!!!"); //call the parent class Exception constructor with string parameter