Monday, December 22, 2014

Thinking about objects

One of the most important concepts in computer science is to start thinking in objects where structures are the basic building blocks. Structures are the simplest objects that can be defined by users. In this example you can see that you can define a dataType called rooms and those rooms have a structure inside holding many different simple dataTypes like int, bool, and float. Each declared identifier of room type will have the same structure inside, but the values are assigned to reflect the specific room characteristics. The period character in this case is used as a member operator to have access to each identifier inside the structure. 

‪#‎include‬ <iostream>

using namespace std;

//Create a container that will hold individual room specific contents
struct room{
                   bool table;
                   int chairs;
                   float classAverage;
                   bool projector;
                   int windows;
                   int doors;
                   string keyNumber;
                   string roomName;

int main(){
         room D155;                    //Create a specific room and set its unique characteristics 
         D155.chairs = 25;
         D155.classAverage = 93.75;
         D155.keyNumber = "78M"; = 0;
         D155.projector = true;
         D155.table = true;
         D155.doors = 1;
         D155.roomName = "D155";

         cout << "The room number is:" <<D155.roomName<< endl;
         cout << "The room holds " << D155.chairs
                 <<" and the class average is: "<<D155.classAverage<<endl;
return 0;

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